
What are we all about?

        Joining the Vaqcoders doesn’t only mean learning about how to make super cool unblocked games or dope websites; it also means becoming part of a like-minded, intellectual group of fellow Vaqueros looking to expand their scholarly arsenal of skills. You will find that learning to program will be the most important skill you will have ever learned.

There are no assignments or deadlines to abide by with the Vaqcoders. In fact, the goal is to be a functional group with constant, valuable feedback to share our experiences with one another, to help each other learn at our own paces, on our own time.

Stay excited for super cool programming demos, club projects, and other interesting activities planned for the near future!

Where can you find us?

        The Vaqcoders will meet bi-weekly on Thursdays at lunchtime in room 601. Join the FaceBook group page “Vaqcoders” and add your friends to keep posted about our meetings schedule and other activities as well as announcements.

        Keep yourself posted in other ways too by checking the official Vaqcoders website at, updated frequently. Also remember to follow us on GitHub under “Vaqcoders” and join the Discord server using!